- 3-Dec-2002
TLIB 5.54b is released. See release.html for details.
- 26-Dec-2001, 28-Feb-2002, 8-May-2002, 27-Jun-2002 & 4-Oct-2002
TLIB 5.53i, 5.53j, 5.53k, 5.53L & 5.54a were released, respectively.
Improvements include better website-project support, visual
compare enhancements, bug fixes, etc..
See release.html for details.
- 9-Dec-2001
This has nothing to do with TLIB, but as a service to our friends and
customers Dave Burton has compiled some "virus
avoidance advice" to help you avoid getting burned by Magistr,
Klez, Nimba, Badtrans, Sircam, Goner, etc..
You can read it here: virus_advice.html
(last updated 3-Oct-2002).
- 29-Jun-2001
TLIB 5.53c is released. Fixes an installation problem
which occurred when installing TLIB under Windows 2000 with a user ID in the "power user" group.
- 11-Jun-2001
An updated TESTLOCK.ZIP is available in our
download area. (There is only one minor change: the Win32 executable
has been fixed to not complain about "upper" file attibute bits, such as the "compressed" bit which
can be set under NT and Windows 2000.)
- 30-May-2001
TLIB 5.53b is released. Fixes a few minor bugs; see the
Release Notes file, release.txt
- 2-May-2001
TLIB 5.53 is released! New features
include: Improved support for sharing files between projects; A new command to
reclassify source file(s) from private to shared (or vice-versa); A new
scan-for-included-files option when opening Borland Delphi project files; A new, extended
wildcard syntax to tell TLIB to find not just a named C, C++, or Pascal source file, but also
whatever include files it references; The new tlmerge utility, which is a 32-bit version of
our venerable DIFF3 merge tool; Numerous GUI usability improvements, such as an enhanced
version history list that is displayed when you double-click a file name, which lets you
immediately select, extract, inspect, and compare old versions; Better right mouse button
support, including the ability to edit MRU (most recently used) drop-down lists by right-clicking
in them; Visual Compare improvements, such as the ability to drag the vertical divider right
and left, to resize the two panes; and many other improvements.
- For more details, including a list of recent bug fixes, see the Release Notes file,
- For upgrade pricing, click here. Your upgrade is
free* if you purchased TLIB Version Control Combo Edition less than one year ago.
(* A nominal shipping and handling fee will be charged if not shipped electronically.)
- 14-Feb-2001
TLIB 5.52 is released! (This is version 5.52f;
versions 5.52a-5.52e were beta versions.) New features include a runlength-compressed &
CRC-checked binary storage format; an an EOF-tolerant (ctrl-Z ignoring) ASCII storage format;
automatic save & restore of column and window sizes in the 32-bit GUI; Visual Compare
improvements, including customizable colors; jour2snp, a tool to build after-the-fact snapshots
from the TLIB journal file; Migrate command improvements; display of current and project-level
version numbers when listing versions; native project support for MicroEdge Visual SlickEdit
project and workspace files, and more.
- 21-Nov-2000
TLIB 5.51i is released.
- 27-Oct-2000
TLIB 5.51h is released. It adds support for Inprise/Borland C++
Builder 5.0 *.bpr project files. Also adds support for Microsoft Developer Studio *.dsw Workspace
Files, (which really just group multiple projects). Also made several other minor improvements.
- 13-Oct-2000
JourJoin, in our download
area, is a little program to "join" (combine) the comment records in a TLIB journal file, so that
there is only one comment field in the journal file for each U (Update) or N (New library) command.
When you store a new version of a source file in a TLIB library, TLIB optionally
records your action in a chronological Journal File, in CSV (comma-separated values) format. (This
is useful for generating customized reports, as well as providing a chronological "audit trail" of
version control activity.) You can configure what types of information you want recorded in the
journal file, but most users let TLIB store the full version comments. When the version comments
exceed one line, TLIB writes multiple records to the journal file, to record the additional comment
However, if you would prefer a journal file format in which all the comments are
combined into one big field, in one record, you can use the JourJoin utility. This is useful when
importing the TLIB journal file into some kinds of databases, such as recent versions of Microsoft
- 27-Aug-2000
TLIB 5.51g is released.